Have to shave off my beard today as I am going to a wedding tomorrow. I would keep it, I enjoying looking like a diseased tramp, but my mother will cry if I don't shave it off and try to resemble something approaching "respectable"
I can safely say that the whole thing was an absolute disaster. Shaving regularly makes no difference whatsoever to subsequent beard growth.
I am 26 on Monday, can still not grow hair on my face yet it won't grow on my head either. This is not how it is meant to be. I should be at my hairiest.
Anyone who says going bald doesn't matter has not starting losing their hair in their early 20's.
damn weddings!! and damn evolution and passing useless genes from our grandfathers and their grandfathers. Our hair loss proves that there is no god and evolution is true (not that i ever doubted it since i stopped going to mass when i was 16)