When I was here last summer, a week before I came home, there were about three of us still hanging around. The students had gone home and the teachers were travelling. We had been out drinking one day and, as the taxi let us out at the gate when we came back that night, we decided we wanted to lie on the grass for a while. After some time it started to rain. It doesn't rain often but when it does it is very heavy. We were at least five minutes walk from the apartment block and didn't want to be out in the rain. Thinking quickly, I got up and, as my friend rolled under one push to find shelter, I took a run and jumped into this one.
I jump straight into it and flattened half of it. I didn't find shelter in the bush, just crushed it.
The next morning, in the clear light of day, it was obvious it wasn't going to spring back to life. Feeling bad, I packed my bags and came home.
To my surprise when I came back this time, the bush seems to be doing well. I think they have planted a smaller bush in the hole I made and have applied some structural support and shaping rope type thing around it in the hope it grows back solid and round.
I'm not sure why it is pink though. It wasn't pink before.