Friday 26th of February
Got no birthday cards. To-day was good. School was alright. Had a free class for religion. I done my french homework in it.and my maths. Had chips for lunch. It was good fun in English last class. Had pizza for dinner. Saw rugrats. Jim came home saw two simpsons. They were good. saw robot wars. had a cup of tea got no birthday cards. Saw brookside friends never mind the buzzcocks and the young ones
Saturday 27th
My Birthday. I'm 13
Today was just excellent. My Alarm rang at 7:10 by accident. I went into mammy and daddy. They got me a watch and a card. Jim got me luke skywalkwer. I played with him for a while. Made myself a lovely breakfast, sausge egg and rasher. At ten we went to clougher. I got queens greatest hits 2. On the way home I went to the toy quinnsworth. Got han solo and palpatine and a book about fast cars. We done shopping in the real quinnsworth to. When we got home I watched die hard and waynes world 2. Mark was down. Mammy got me a lovely cake and ginger bread men. and strawberry cakes. Breada rang to say happy birthday. Had soup and sandwiches. Sinead rang. I rang nanna. She gave me ten pound. We got chinese. Then we had a birthday party. We had cake caramel buns ginger bread men and seven up. We took photos.
Sunday 28th
When I woke up this morning I got sick. I played with my star wars figures.I didnt go to mass. I made stuffing for dinner. Saw the simpsons. Breada gave me a card and five pound. She gave me the lend of dr dolittle. It was good. I didnt go for a drive. Mark was down. I played the computer. Sean Slowin was here. Got Lucazade. Had a nice tea. Saw E.R
Monday 1st of march
Didnt go to school today. Was sick. Played with my star wars men. Watched braveheart. Went to oldcastle. Didnt go to the doctor. Watched the river wild. Gee was here. Saw Blue peter neighbours the simpsons and hit miss or maybe. Got lucozade and halls soothers. Had a cup of tea. Kennth is renting videos.
Tuesday 2th
Didnt go to school today I was sick went to the doctor. I have a throat infection. I got anty boy odics and domo tap. Was talking to breada. She got the lion king 2.I got a little car in matthew calwells. Had no dinner. I got a bmw and an alfa romeo. Jim is coming home tomorrow. Saw grange hill neighbours fresh prince of bel air home improvement. Watched die hard.
Wednesday 3rd.
Was sick today. Went to oldcastle. Didnt buy a little car. I had no money. Got two sausge rolls lucozade and halls soothers. I rented out a video in kenneths. "Armagadon" It was class. Sile watched it two. She cryed. Went to collect jim in granard. Saw buffy the vampire slayer. Francis rang. Man utd won 2-0. Shite.
Thursay 4th
Today was ok. Got up at 9:15. Jim is home went to oldcastle.Bought a little car. "Mercends bendz" It is yellow. I think it is good. Went to get my hair cut so did jim. Looked at kenneths videos. Had chips and stew for dinner. Played monopoly with myself. Saw grange hill and goosebumps. Daddy got me lucozade and hacks.
So that was my birthday in 1999.
This is it in 2012

Going to look up porn later as well. What a day.