What is the greatest video game of all time??? Who is the greatest character? Is it the Legend of Zelda with green fairy boy hero Link? Or Super Mario Bros 3 with our red shirted hero Mario? Metal gear and Soild snake? Championship Manager 99/00 with yourself filling the heros role?
None of the above..
The greatest character ever is this cunt...
The Doodler
and his Game
Doodle Jump
I love this game. When I first got it a couple of years ago, and before my ipod was stolen, I played it for over 50 hours. Altough it's on the ipad, that version never really clicked with me, but I have recently purchased an ipod touch and I'm back on the doodle scene.
The Doodler in action
After a little over 6 hours play time I have smashed all previous doodlings and scored almost 49,000 points.
I'm amazing. I also have a great deal of free time.
Have a doodle. Send me your scores.