Tuesday, March 30, 2010
A poem
as the snow fell down
I sat there thinking
this mans a clown
So very young
But talks so old
loves to complain about the cold
Snow in March!
so very queer
It doesn't happen every year
"In like a lamb but out like a lion"
that kind of sayin'
I'm just not buyin'
but "they" say it
is what I'm told
At twenty five years old?
People who just copy what their parents say
don't deserve the time of day
Sorry for just making some words rhyme like a small child would do. It won't happen again.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Any Plans?
Once the previous weekend is done and dusted, once Tuesdays comes the "Any plans for the weekend" conversations can start
"Any plans for the weekend?"
"No not this weekend"
"Ah its good to have a quiet one from time to time"
"you need to put the feet up"
Friday, March 26, 2010
I don't want to be on the telly but...
Please, I just want to write a humorous column in a weekend broadsheet newspaper.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
The "man" I "work" with loves making things rhyme. It’s like some form of Longfordesque cockney rhyming slang.
Some Examples
1)Flat to the Mat
2)Bell on the Cell
3)Relax the Tax
You are confused. I will translate each one and use them in a sentence.
1)Flat to the mat; Busy
Example "Well lad, not ah fuckin' hope a gettin out to ya this afternoon, I'm flat to the mat boy"
2)Bell on the Cell; Verb, to make a telephone Call
" Is that cunt still on ta ya? wait til I give him a bell on the cell, I'll tell him where to stick his wibbly wobbly wonder"
3) Relax the Tax; Calm down
“Just relax the tax for wan fuckin’ second until I get a loc a grub into the belly and she will be away again or you’ll not see her until Christmas me boy, or if you do she will have the hair colour changed if you know wha I mean or maybe ya don’t but ya will shortly!!!!!”
Poetry is fun.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Made up joke party
What sweets does god allow in heaven?
What are god’s favourite sweets?
Not funny.
What are the holiest sweets?
That’s not bad. I’ll take it.
“What are the holiest sweets?”
“The opal fruits of thy womb”
Or how about
Jesus asked God
“What are holiest sweets dad?”
He replied
“It’s the opal fruits of thy womb, Jesus”
Although that sounds a bit like Jesus has a womb and there are star burst in it.
It needs work.
Happy Dog
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Cheap lazy Nostalgia
I probably should have eaten breakfast.
It was nice though. Going to get another at one at lunchtime
Monday, March 22, 2010
Some Context....
The men were discussing "the rugby" and how big the players are and how many chops they must eat when
"An uncle of mine once ate 13 potatoes….and they weren’t baby boiled ones either”
”An uncle of mine once ate 13 potatoes….and they weren’t baby boiled ones either”
”An uncle of mine once ate 13 potatoes….and they weren’t baby boiled ones either”
The Greatest Boast I Have Ever heard!!!
Deep Breath
”An uncle of mine once ate 13 potatoes….and they weren’t baby boiled ones either”
Read it again
”An uncle of mine once ate 13 potatoes….and they weren’t baby boiled ones either”
”An uncle of mine once ate 13 potatoes….and they weren’t baby boiled ones either”
I could include the context but I don’t want to. Just remember it was 100% free of irony. And the folks he told were in awe.
I think I'm going to explode. I'm so happy I got to witness this moment.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
A Game of Weather
1) The opener.
One male comments on the weather.
Male 1 : “touch of spring about it”
2) The second male responds
This comment must reinforce the opener BUT also undermine the opener
Male 1: “touch of spring about it “
Male 2 : “aye but its cool”
3) Complaining
But men now run with boundaries established in round 2. Both men will be complaining.
Male 1: “touch of spring about it “
Male 2 : “aye but its cool”
Male 1: “ Not much grass growing”
Male 2: “We deserve a bit of sun shine after the winter we had”
Both men will have the opinion that there is an individual, or group responsible for the bad weather and an air of suspicion about them. If possible, they will blame the government.
Male 1: “touch of spring about it “
Male 2 : “aye but its cool”
Male 1: “ Not much grass growing”
Male 2: “We deserve a bit of sunshine after the winter we had”
Male 1: “There is something they are not telling us”
Male 2: “ Not much grass growing”
Round three can last several hours.
4) The finish
The most powerful man in a game of weather will be the man who knows “WHAT THEY ARE GIVING”
Male 1: “touch of spring about it “
Male 2 : “aye but its cool”
Male 1: “ Not much grass growing”
Male 2: “We deserve a bit of sunshine after the winter we had”
Male 1: “There is something they are not telling us”
Male 2: “ Not much grass growing”
Male 1: “ They are giving it until Sunday”
The second man should ,under no circumstances agree, with this
Male 2: “I thought it was to pick up before the weekend”
It is now all about who wants it more
Male 1: “ No, it’s until Sunday”
Male 2: “ Oh is it”
And Male two has surrendered! White flag in the air!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I am a prick
I am applying to do a masters course in september. As part of the thing I had to write 600 about my hopes and dreams.
This is the rough draft I have just finished. Still full of mistakes.
"In the current economic climate I believe that a master’s qualification is very important. It feels to me at the moment that my education, even at honours degree level, is incomplete. I completed my degree last year with the view to taking a year out before applying for a master’s course and gaining work experience and saving money. Applying for positions has only reinforced in my mind the importance of further education. After much fruitless searching for work and a couple of small opportunities I have started a fas work placement programme, which although is unpaid, it is giving me valuable experience in the recruitment industry. I feel that with my current unpaid work experience and hopefully an eventual masters qualification I will be in an ideal position to begin a career I will like and will be much more attractive to potential employers. I also feel that now is the perfect time in my life to begin a masters course, I am still hungry to learn and develop further and I don’t know if I were to leave it for another year or more if I still will be. Also migration is becoming an option (or a necessity) and I don’t want to have to leave Ireland, I feel if I do now I may never get a chance to complete my studies. I have always thought that I don’t want to be a person who studies a subject at third level and then ends up working in a completely different area. I am determined to finish my studies and begin a career that I have been working hard for the past number of years.
I feel that that the economic downturn has presented me with the chance to really embrace the chance to further my studies and my academic career. I think that one should look at and seek out the positive aspects of the situation. It would be too easy to use the recession as an excuse to give up and settle into a job one would be unhappy in or even to live off social welfare payments but I do not want to do this I believe that it has presented me with a challenge and a chance to work hard to overcome the adverse economic conditions and strengthen my character. I feel education and a chance to study the current working environment will be essential as Ireland emerges from recession into a changed business and economic world.
I feel that due to my current situation after a long period of unemployment and doing work placement for free I am in the perfect frame of mind to tackle something as work intensive as a master’s qualification. I have realized now more than ever how much having a goal and a task means to me and how important it is to keep ones minded focused and active. I think now after a period of not working I will appreciate the challenge and the opportunity even more then I would have other wise.
I think that the work that I am currently doing in the recruitment industry as part of my work placement program will be very beneficial to me in doing a masters qualification in hr and industrial relations. It is giving me first hand experience of one aspect of hr that I feel will be an excellent spring board back into studying the subject, as the placement ends in august I think that it will the perfect time to start, as opposeeed to after a period of unemployment. I think seeing the industry and then studying at that level will give me an excellent feel for the world of hr and set me up very well for my future career"
What a Dickhead
Monday, March 8, 2010
My Gambling Addiction
Maybe I do have a problem? Maybe I'm in denial. It will be in embarrassing in 5 years time, reading this, when I need to borrow money from my family to place a bet on which celebrity will be mauled to death in what ever the latest show is.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
How not to eat Ice-Cream
Doesn't just apply to ice cream. Jelly too.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Anyway, back to watching the Sopranos
Saturday is the best day of the week.